Cultivation of sugarcane:- Introduction, Importance, Taxonomy


Cultivation of sugarcane

Botanical name :- Saccharum  officinarum

Family :- Poaceae

Chromosome number :- 2n = 80              

Origin :- India , china.


Kingdom :- Plantae

Class :- Magnoliopsida

Order :- poales

Family :- poaceae

Genus :- Saccharum

Species :- officinarum


Botanical description

Main parts of plant are stalks, leaf, root system and inflorescence.

·        Stalk :- consist of segments joint . each joint is made up a node and an internode .node is where the leaf attaches to the stalk and where the buds and root primordia are found.

·        Leaf :- sugarcane is C4 plant . leaf is divided into two parts sheath and blade  . leaves are attached to the node of the stem on alternate side.

·        Root :- root system is fibrous.

·        Inflorescence :- Each tassel consist of several thousand tiny flowers, seed are extremely small and weigh approx. 250 per gram.



Used for chewing and extraction of juice for beverage.

Sugarcane juice helps in digestion, protects liver, maintain oral health etc.


Species of sugarcane

Cultivated :- Saccharum officinarum

            Saccharum barberi – 2n =118

          Saccharum sinense – 2n = 124


Wild :- Saccharum  spontaneum

              Saccharum robustum



Sugarcane can be grown on all type of soil ranging from sandy – loam to clay loam.

Well drained and deep ploughing .

Optimum soil ph  is 6.5 .

Alluvial , black and red soil are most suitable for sugarcane cultivation .



Sun loving plant and 10-14 hours day length require.

Long duration crop.

Optimum temperature for sugarcane cultivation is 26 to 30 degree centigrade.

Grown at 1000m or more above sea level.




Co 0118 , Co 0237 , Co 0239


 Field preparation

Sugarcane needs deep tillage.

Deep ploughing specially in heavy soils helps into the soils.

Shallow ploughing with local plough limits the development of root system in lodging of cane plants.



 Time of sowing

Autumn planting :- oct

Spring planting :- Jan – Feb


  Method of planting

Flat planting

Furrow planting

Trench planting


 Seed treatment

Bavistin 0.05%

Urea 2.5%

Kcl 2.5%


  Seed rate

35-45 q per acre.


Approx. 1.8 to 2 m row spacing .


  Nutrient management

NPK = 120-150 : 80 : 60 kg per hectare.

FYM = 15 ton per hectare .

Compost = 25 ton per hectare .



Total water requirement is 1200mm – 2500mm.

Tillering phase require 550mm water .

Method of irrigation :- Furrow irrigation

                                           Drip irrigation

                                           Sprinkle irrigation


  Weed management

Mulching, intercropping, crop rotation.

Atrazin@2kg per hectare 500ltr water after 2 day of planting.

2,4-D @ 1 kg per hectare after 60 days of planting.


  Disease management

Grow resistance variety.

Setts treated by 0.2% solution of Bavistin.

Crop rotation.

Spray  mancozeb.



It is done both by hand and mechanically. Depending upon the variety and sowing time it takes about 12-18 month to mature.

December to march is the suitable time for harvesting.


 Yield :-sugarcane= 100ton|h






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