LEMON:- Introduction, Advantage, Importance, weed management, Disease management


Corrosive Lime (Citrus aurantifolia (Christm) Swingle) 



Neighborhood varities, PKM1, Vikram and Rasraj are the well known assortments in corrosive lime. 

PKM 1 

Neighborhood assortment 

VRM 1 

Soil and environment 

The yield can be developed in both Tropical and subtropical environment. It tends to be grown up to 1000 m above MSL. Profound very much depleted loamy soils are most appropriate for the development. 


The planting is done from December – February and June – September. 


Sound seedlings are planted during June to December at 5 to 6 m separating in 75 cm x 75 cm x 75 cm pits. 

Water system 

Flood bounteously in the wake of planting. After foundation of the yield, water system is given at 7 – 10 days span. Water stagnation ought to be stayed away from. 

Composts and manures per plant 

N is applied in two portions during March and October. FYM, P2O5 and K2O are to be applied in October. 

Composts and Fertilizers Ist year Annual increase From sixth year 

FYM 10 kg 5 kg 30 kg 

N 200 g 100 g 600 g 

P 100 g 25 g 200 g 

K 100 g 40 g 300 g 

Shower Zinc sulfate at the pace of 0.5% (500 g/100 lit of water) threefold in a year (March, July and October) after the rise of new flushes. 

After development 

The parts of fundamental stem up to 45 cm from ground level must be eliminated. Green leaves @ 30 kg for every tree are applied once in 90 days. 


Vegetables and vegetable yields can be raised during pre-bearing age. 

Development controller 

To build the natural product set, splash 2, 4 – D @ 20 ppm during blossoming stage. For organic product maintenance, splash 2, 4 – D @ 20 ppm or NAA @ 30 ppm after natural product set (marble size). 

Plant assurance 


Leaf digger 

The bug can be constrained by splashing Dichlorvos 76 WSC @ 1 ml/lit or Dimethoate 30 EC @ 2 ml/lit or Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1.5 ml/lit or neem seed piece remove (NSKE) @ 50g/lit or 3 % neem cake concentrate or neem oil. 

Leaf caterpillar 

At the point when the pervasion is moderate to extreme, Quinalphos25 EC @ 2ml/lit is splashed to control to control the vermin. The hatchlings can be hand picked and annihilated. 

Sucking vermin 

White fly 

For control, splash Quinalphos 25 EC @ 2 ml/lit 

Dark fly : For control, shower Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1.5 ml/lit 

Aphids : Spray methyl Demeton 25 EC or Monocrotophos @ 1 ml/lit or neem oil 3ml/lit or Fish oil pitch cleanser 30 g/lit or Quinalphos25 EC 2ml/lit to control the nuisance. 

Rust mite : For control, shower Dicofol 18.5 EC @ 2.5 ml/lit or Wettable sulfur 50 WP @ 2 g/lit. 

Organic product sucking moth 

Tinospora weed have must be obliterated. Trap with aged molasses in addition to Malathion 50 EC at the pace of 1 ml/lit can be utilized for control. Pack the natural products with polythene sacks penetrated at the base. Apply smoke and put out up light snares or food draws (bits of citrus natural products) for control. 

Shoot drill 

Prune the shriveled shoots 4 cm beneath the dried parcels and shower Monocrotophos 36 WSC @ 1 ml/lit or Quinalphos25 EC @ 1.5 ml/lit or Carbaryl 50 WP @ 2 g/lit. 

Stem drill 

The branches containing grubs must be pruned. Stopping the new openings with cotton absorbed Monocrotophos arrangement blended @ 5 ml/20 ml of water will likewise control the nuisance. 

Natural product fly 

To control natural product fly, splash Malathion 50 EC @ 1 ml/lit or Fenthion 100 EC @ 1 ml/lit with 1% rough sugar (10 g/lit). Set up snare with Methyl eugenol 0.1% arrangement blended in with Malathion 50 EC 0.05% between 6 a.m. furthermore, 8 a.m. 

Use polythene packs fish feast trap containing 5 g of wet fish dinner + 1 ml Dichlorvas in cotton. 50 snares are required/ha, fish dinner and Dichlorvos drenched cotton must be recharged once in 20 and 7 days individually. 

Coarse bugs 

Debark the branches and apply methyl parathion glue. 

Utilize tacky snare on the organic product bearing takes shots at a length of 5 cm. 

Use Dichlorvos (0.2%) in blend with fish oil pitch cleanser (25g/lit) as splash or for plunging the natural products for two minutes. 

Single soil utilization of Phorate 10G @ 50g per tree around the base at the hour of pruning is fundamental. 

Delivery the hunter, Cryptolaemus montrouzieri for controlling the irritation. 

Imprint the coarse bug plagued plants right off the bat in the season. 

Follow subterranean insect control techniques, for example, obliteration of subterranean insect openings, red subterranean insect homes and avoiding of citrus trees after natural product gather which forestalls the subterranean insect movement through side branches. 

Delivery bugs @ 10/tree once the watching of the subterranean insects on the storage compartment is halted. 

Make occasional check during the primary fortnight and put dried leaf mulch around the tree trunk 20 days after the arrival of the bugs to work with pupation of the completely mature grubs. 

Make one to three deliveries for every annum relying upon the coarse bug populaces. 


Apply Carbofuran 3 G @ 75 g/tree to control citrus nematodes in extreme invasions. Apply 20 g Pseudomonas fluorescens plan per tree at a profundity of 15 cm and 50 cm away from the storage compartment once in four months. Soil use of Phorate @ 2 g followed by soaking with 1 % of Metalaxyl in addition to Mancozeb 72 WP @ 50 ml/cutting/poly sack/kg of nursery soil is accomplished for controlling citrus decay. 


Twig scourge 

Prune dried twigs and splash 3% Copper oxychloride or 0.1% Carbendazim at month to month stretches to decrease the spread of infection. 


Splash 1% Bordeaux blend to control the infection. 


Following pruning one shower of Copper oxychloride (COC) 0.3% is done trailed by 4 sprayings with Streptocyclin100 ppm + COC 1.5 kg/ha at month to month stretches. 

Citrus infection 

Tristeza infection 

Eliminate the contaminated trees and annihilate. Shower Methyl demeton 25 EC or Monocrotophos @ 1 ml/lit to control the aphids which spread the infection. Utilize pre-inoculated corrosive lime seedlings for planting. 


The yield begins bearing from third year subsequent to planting. 

Post reap treatment 

Treating the natural products with 4% wax emulsion followed by pre-pressing in 200 check polythene sacks with 1 % ventilation works on the time span of usability for over 10 days. 


The harvest yields around 25 t/ha/year.

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