Pumpkin farming in Nepal - ideal location, varieties, watering, disease, harvest

 Pumpkins are presently extremely well known to fill in the nursery yet additionally to use in the kitchen. With these tips your pumpkin gather will be an ensured win. 

The development of pumpkins (Cucurbita) at home is turning out to be increasingly more well known in Europe. Particularly in harvest time the dazzling vegetables can be purchased in all tones, shapes and sizes. The pumpkin initially comes from America and is one of the most fluctuated vegetables of all. Notwithstanding their huge organic products, the pumpkin plants are likewise valued for their striking yellow blossoms and delectable pumpkin seeds. In addition, in the milder scopes the planting of pumpkins can be exceptionally productive if the right measures are taken. 

Establishing PUMPKINS 

Regardless of the fascinating beginning of the vegetable, pumpkin development in Europe is by and large fruitful and significant returns can be anticipated. With the end goal for everything to run ideally, a couple of tips, which are clarified underneath, ought to be followed. 


The pumpkin is a plant that requires explicit area conditions to foster well. Contingent upon the pumpkin assortment, the pumpkin plant spreads 1.5 to 2 m² across the bed. Numerous assortments also move up and twine during development, like the famous Hokkaido pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima). A climbing help can be useful for more modest pumpkin assortments. When planting, for instance, a spot near the nursery fence is reasonable with the goal that the pumpkin plant can ascend. Bigger pumpkins should remain on the ground due to their weight. 

Pumpkins are warmth-adoring plants. The area for developing the pumpkin plant ought to along these lines be bright and shielded from the breeze. It is imperative that the dirt, on which the pumpkins are planted, heats up ahead of schedule. Light to medium soils, for example, sandy topsoil with a decent water maintenance limit and high humus content are in this manner the most ideal choice. Acidic soils don't offer great conditions for development; the pH worth ought to be something like 6. While picking the area, notice the yield turn: pumpkin ought to never be established straightforwardly after other cucurbit or gourd family plants (Cucurbitaceae) in a similar spot. Gourd plants incorporate courgettes, cucumbers and even melons notwithstanding pumpkins. Potatoes, vegetables (Fabaceae) and cabbages, then again, are extraordinary as past crops. 

These tips ought to be followed while picking an area: 

Permit a lot of room (1.5-2 m²) and a chance to move as a plant 

Bright and wind-secured area 

Light to medium soils (for example sandy topsoil/loamy sand) 

High humus content and water maintenance limit 

Acidic soil is a no-no (pH esteem > 6) 

As past crops, no gourd plants (Cucurbitaceae); potatoes, vegetables or cabbage all things considered 

On the off chance that these guidelines are followed, the pumpkin plant will develop easily and bear various delicious natural product. 


The varieties of pumpkins are amazing – truth be told, in excess of 800 pumpkin species are known and are accessible in every one of the various shapes, shadings and tastes. The species developed in Europe, notwithstanding, are to a great extent restricted to three: the goliath pumpkins (Curcurbita maxima), which incorporate the well known Hokkaido pumpkin, the Curcurbita moschata varieties, which likewise incorporate the assortments Butternut and Muscat de Provence, and the Cucurbita pepo, which incorporate the subspecies summer squash. You will track down a tremendous choice of pumpkins in our assortment outline. 


Uchiki Kuri: Hokkaido type assortment with little onion-formed natural products; smooth, radiant orange skin; the orange-red tissue tastes scrumptious and is suggestive of chestnuts. 

Tiana: Variety of butternut pumpkin, pear-molded and light yellow in shading; firm and delectable tissue; impervious to fine buildup; certainly worth developing! 

Muscat de Provence: an especially sweet-smelling pumpkin; has level, profoundly ribbed natural products with light orange/earthy colored skin; the firm tissue has a solid orange tone and is extremely delectable; the assortment additionally stands apart for its long time span of usability. 

Vegetable Spaghetti: bears stretched oval natural products with light orange tone and light tissue; an Italian assortment. 

Atlantic Giant: a goliath pumpkin assortment; can create record loads (the reproducer Dill won a few records with this assortment, for example European record 2009 with approx. 650 kilos); the yellow tissue of the light orange natural products is exceptionally delectable; reasonable for protecting. 

Establishing PUMPKINS 

Pumpkin plants are somewhat simple. In any case, they are as yet touchy to low temperatures because of their warm beginning. There are two strategies for developing pumpkins: 

Direct planting: In direct planting, the pumpkin seeds (or seeds of different plants) are not planted until mid-May, after the last ices of the Ice Saints (11th to 15th of May) have passed. Else, it can become risky for the little plants beneath 5°C. Temperatures from 14 °C are fundamental for the course of germination. The ideal profundity for planting is 2-4 cm. The seeds ought to be planted at time frames 1.5 m and 1.5 m between the columns. 

Pre-culture: A choice to coordinate planting is pre-culture in a pot. With this strategy, the seeds would already be able to be planted in April and the youthful plants are planted in the nursery bed from mid-May on. When filling in pots, one seed for every pot ought to be established 2-4 cm profound. The ideal germination temperature is 20-24 °C. When the first or two leaves (not the cotyledons) have shaped and the ices have passed, the plants are planted into the nursery bed at a similar distance as with the direct planting strategy. 

Anyway, which of these two methodologies is better? This relies upon the area. In cooler regions the pre-development in the pot is certainly awesome! What's more, you can anticipate a prior gather with this technique. It is likewise worth covering the youthful pumpkin plants with wool toward the start of the period to shield them from late ices. Secure plants with downy before the blossoms structure so fertilization can occur unhindered. 

Really focusing On PUMPKIN PLANTS 

All things considered, the consideration of pumpkins isn't very tedious. Here are some helpful hints concerning pumpkin care: 


It is fundamental that the pumpkin plants are watered routinely. This is especially significant when organic product is framed, in any case the gather will be more modest. When watering, consistently water straightforwardly on the ground and not over the leaves – something else, there is a danger of decay. This can likewise happen with organic products that lie straightforwardly on the ground. Utilize a base (for instance a board or an upset pot) to lift the natural products from the beginning. 

Treating PUMPKINS 

Pumpkins require a ton of supplements; accordingly, standard treatment is fitting. Prior to planting or establishing the youthful plants, the dirt ought to be ready with manure. During the developing time frame it is prescribed to treat once every week with nitrogen-rich compost straightforwardly through the water supply. 

The pumpkin plant develops rapidly and its leaves are extremely huge, so weeds don't have it simple. Yet, before the general plants cover the dirt totally, the youthful plants actually need to rival weeds. Accordingly, weeds ought to be taken out consistently, particularly toward the start, so the plant has sufficient light, supplements and water to develop. 


A famous strategy under the watchful eye of pumpkin plants is the expulsion of new shoots. The accompanying applies to pumpkin development: the more natural products develop, the more modest they become. It can consequently be beneficial not to let every one of the organic products develop, with the goal that the rest get sufficient energy and supplements. It is prescribed to remove the superfluous side goes without precedent for June. Shoots with 3 to 5 leaves over the subsequent leaf are abbreviated. In July the pruning can be rehashed, just over the fifth leaf. After every one of the female blossoms have been pollinated (this can be perceived by the organic product set), the male blossoms ought to be eliminated. This additionally gives the plant more energy for natural product development. 

Tips for dealing with the pumpkin plant: 

Water routinely 

Try not to wet the plant's leaves and natural product when watering to stay away from decay 

Prior to planting, work fertilizer into the dirt 

Treatment during the development stage once per week with nitrogen-rich compost (straightforwardly with the water system water) 

Customary weed expulsion (particularly for youthful plants) 

Prune any superfluous side shoots away 


Generally the climate has the best effect on the yield of the pumpkin. Weighty harm can be caused by hail, for instance. Moreover, sicknesses and vermin can make it hard to develop pumpkins in your nursery. An especially disliked visitor in the bed is the slug, which likes to devour the pumpkin plants just as different vegetables. Particularly if the spring is stormy and wet, slugs can turn into a colossal obstruction. Gathering the little creatures helps, however lamentably the slippery slugs generally come out around evening time to take care of. Be that as it may, spreading coffee beans between the plants can assist with ensuring the pumpkins, on the grounds that the slugs stay away from it. 

One more risk for pumpkin plants comes from parasitic diseases. One issue can be fine buildup, which can be perceived by a floury-white covering on the outer layer of the leaves. Disease with the Didymella bryoniae organism can likewise happen at extremely hot temperatures. The growth causes what is known as tail consumes, which show themselves in earthy colored leaf spots, rot and rubbery stalks. 

Tips to forestall parasitic diseases: 

Try not to harm the plant no matter what 

Try not to wet the leaves during watering 

Try not to ingest too much the plant with nitrogen manure 

Try not to allow the vegetation to become excessively thick 

There is nobody hundred percent insurance for the vermin and illnesses referenced. On account of parasitic invasion, influenced plants can be showered with a combination of sodium bicarbonate, vegetable oil and curd cleanser. At a high level stage, particularly in tail consuming, the plant ought to be totally taken out from the bed to forestall additionally spread of the sickness. In the event that these guidelines are followed, the danger can be decreased and a decent pumpkin collect can in any case follow. 


At the point when summer is reaching a conclusion, it is the ideal opportunity for the collect of pumpkins. This permits the solid vegetables to be utilized on schedule for Halloween and the virus season. 


Contingent upon the assortment, the pumpkins begin maturing in mid-August at the most punctual. In any case, most assortments are gathered among September and October. Gathering before the principal night ices is suggested. These attributes decide whether the pumpkin is prepared for gather: 

Extraordinary tone (simple to perceive, particularly with orange-red assortments like the Hokkaido) 

Lush and dry tail 

Leaves get and bite the dust dry 

Scratching the shell with the fingernail makes no imprint 

Empty sound when thumping the natural product (doesn't make a difference to all assortments!) 

The most flawlessly awesome opportunity to collect is the point at which the climate is dry. For this situation, the pumpkins can dry outside for 2 to 3 days. To gather the pumpkin, the natural product is isolated from the tail with a sharp blade. 

Tip: Some of the tail ought to stay appended to the pumpkin! This makes it harder for microbes to infiltrate the products of the soil pumpkin will endure longer. All in all, be extremely cautious when collecting the pumpkin, as harm to the organic product can prompt decay. 

Putting away PUMPKINS 

As a rule, the pumpkins you develop yourself can be away for a somewhat prolonged stretch of time giving that they are put away accurately. In the wake of gathering, pumpkins should initially mature for around 3 weeks at 20 °C in a light and dry spot. It is significant that the pumpkin lies on a dry surface like wood or cardboard and is turned routinely. Post-aging further develops the pumpkin taste and expands the germination limit of the pumpkin seeds, which can be reused one year from now. 

Pumpkins would then be able to be saved as long as a half year, contingent upon the pumpkin type and the manner in which they are put away. A dry and dim spot is awesome. The temperature ought to be somewhere in the range of 12 and 15 °C. Lower temperatures can prompt decay, higher temperatures can negatively affect the taste. In the event that these directions are followed, you can partake in the pumpkin all through the virus cold weather months.

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