TOMATO= Solanum lycopersicum

 The most broadly developed tomato positions second to the potato on the planet. The prevalence of tomato is ascending because of the short editing time frame and somewhat high return. The yield is financially appealing to the ranchers across the globe so region under the development is expanding every day. 

Tomatoes are plentiful in nutrients, minerals, fundamental amino acids, sugar and dietary filaments that help much in keeping the sound adjusted eating regimen. Tomato contains Vitamin like Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin E and Vitamin K alongside the minerals like calcium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorous and potassium. Tomato additionally has cancer prevention agent property. Advantageous tomato can be devoured multiplely; as new serving of mixed greens, cooked with different vegetables, pickle, handled sauce, purees, ketchup and some more. 


Tomato is accepted to be started from tropical America (Thompson and Kelly, 1957) and spread all around the globe in 16th century. The vegetable has got its notoriety more than sixty years in Nepal. 

Organic science 

The logical name of tomato was Solanum lycopersicon before Miller (1978) gave the name Lycopersicon esculentum to developed tomato and L. pimpinellifolium to wild assortments of tomato. 

Tomato has a place with family 'Solanaceae'. 

It is a herbaceous yearly spice, physically engendered (every so often agamically) and self-pollinated with sexually open blossoms. 

The natural product type is berry and root is tap root framework. 

Tomato can be separated into two sorts relying on its development propensity; (I) Determinate and (ii) Indeterminate sorts. The plant ends into blossom bud in the previous sort and fittingly called "self garnish" or "self pruning" so they are overshadow. In the other hand, the terminal piece of the stem develops and bloom is created in each third hub hence, the later is tall and necessities pruning. 


In Nepal there are a few suggested just as presented assortments of tomato. Tomato assortments are grouped into two class contingent upon the development propensity i.e.  determinate and vague. 

Determinate assortments: 

The stature of these sort of assortment is inexact 1.0 m with fruiting and blooming on same time. 

For the most part, determinate tomato is develops early. 

The element of fruiting and blooming in this assortment is in the hole of each one leaf or one hub, so that plants become predominate. 

Instances of bantam assortment of tomato (determinate or semi determinate) are BL 410, Pusa early, Durbarg, Surakshya, NS 2535, NS 815 and so forth These are developed in Nepal. 

Uncertain tomato plant 

These plants are tall in stature going from 1.2-1.5m. 

Blooming and fruiting happens in various time in this way, these are late at development however reaping should be possible for the duration of the existence of the plant. 

Plants need full help so marking ought to be finished. 

The cultivar that fall under this class are Srijana, Nabin-2000, Marina and so forth 


Tomato is a day unbiased yield so it very well may be developed over time under appropriate climatic condition. Temperature of 10-30 degree Celsius is useful for tomato anyway it does well in the ideal temperature scope of 21-15 degree Celsius. Blossoming, organic product setting. natural product maintenance and pigmentation are incredibly influenced by temperature and light force. Being a warm season crop, it can't withstand high temperature past 30 degree Celsius. Red shading begins to vanish and organic product becomes yellowish red over 30 degree Celsius or more 40 degree Celsius, lycopene gets annihilated totally. Under 10 degree Celsius organic product can't foster tone. 

Day temperature of 25 degree Celsius and night temperature of 18 degree Celsius is best for the blossoming and natural product setting in tomato. 21-23 degree Celsius is best for the dust grain germination. 


Tomato can be filled in the assortment of soil from light sandy to substantial mud in any case, all around depleted loamy soil with .wealthy in natural matter is most appropriate for the development of tomato. The dirt pH required is 6-7. 

Land ought to be furrowed profoundly, smash lumps, weeding and work or dive for 2-3 times to make soil friable for development. 


All around deteriorated ranch yard compost (FYM) 1500kg, 10kg of urea, 9 kg of DAP, 4 kg of MOP for every ropani is to be applied in the field according to the suggestion of Government of Nepal. Full portion of FYM, phosphorus, potash and half portion of nitrogen ought to be applied during the field readiness. Remaining portion of nitrogen is applied in equivalent half portion following 25-30 days after of transplantation and 45-50 days after transplantation.


Nursery bed of 1 m width and 2 m length is needed to develop seedlings for 1 ropani of land. Bed ought to be raised 15cm and seed ought to be planted in lines 10 cm separated. Prior to planting seed in nursery, 3kg FYM per, 20gram nitrogen, 20 gram phosphorous and 20 gram potash should be fused per meter square 15 days sooner. 

To develop sound seedlings, the nursery bed ought to be solarized to end the development of weeds and spread of the illnesses and assault of bug bother. For solarisation, white plastic sheet ought to be utilized to cover the nursery bed for 10 days. It is the best non-synthetic strategy to  control sickness and bug. 


10 gram of seed and 2,000–2,500 saplings is sufficient per ropani land. Great yield can be had by utilizing great quality seeds. 


Topographical areaSowing seed and relocating seedlingHarvesting timeHigh hillsApril-MayJuly to September  Mid hillsMarch to AprilJune to JulyJune to SetemberSetember to NovemberLower hillsAugust to SeptemberJanuary to FebruaryOctober to FebruaryApril to July  Time of planting and collecting. 

Relocating AND SPACING 

It is suitable to relocate the seedlings in 4–5 leaf stage or 4-5 weeks subsequent to planting the seed.  Seedlings ought to consistently be relocated in the evening. Prior to relocating, the seedlings should be solidify by retaining water for 4-5 days and watering at the removing. Seedlings are relocated in level or raised beds. 

The dividing in tomato contrasts the development propensity and assortment of tomato. Overall separating, for example, 60cm X 45cm, 60am X 60cm, 75cm X 60cm and 75cm X 75cm are rehearsed. 


Tomato however can't endure waterlogged condition, regular water system is needed to keep up with the satisfactory dampness in the field for the appropriate development and advancement. Before long the transplantation first water system is finished. Regular water system is required in the root zone when the plant is little. Additionally, during the split utilization of urea, water system is significant. In addition, in summer in the timespan 4 days and in winter in the time frame 15 days watering the dirt is crucial for keep soil damp. Arrangement of good seepage during blustery season ought to be finished. 

Preparing AND PRUNING 

Preparing and pruning is fundamentally needed in uncertain tomato plant to forestall housing and loss of organic product through the contact with the dirt. Preparing in tomato is finished utilizing diverse emotionally supportive network like restricting in the sticks, fencing with sticks and ropes or by utilizing the net. The utilization of emotionally supportive network makes simpler in collecting and performing intercultural tasks like showering pesticides, earthing up as well. 

Pruning is crucial for the uncertain kind of tomato to work on light infiltration and air flow. Evacuation of side shoots is called nipping and expulsion of highest points of stem is called heading. Nipped plants have just a single primary stem where every one of the supplements are concentrated that improves the quality and size of the organic products. Tip of the principle stem is chipped when 3-5 leaves are completely developed. Then, at that point two branches are permitted develop until 2 - 4 buds are developed and again cut. In this manner four branches are permitted to develop. 

Also, yellow and ailing leaf should be eliminated routinely to control infection. Water sucker and side branches ought to be likewise squeezed off for better yield. 


Weeds rival the tomato for various components like water, sustenance and light and furthermore they go about as the host for various bug and intentional yield for the infection. In this manner, weed eventually hampers the development and improvement of the tomato bringing about low yield. Consequently, weed should be removed from the yield field while performing intercultural activities. General practice incorporates hand digging in the first and third fortnight subsequent to relocating and earthing up is done in second fortnight in the wake of relocating. Some different measures to limit the number of inhabitants in weed from the field are as per the following: 

Showering of herbicide is most affordable yet unfortunate measure to control weeds. 

Expulsion of harvest buildup from past season. 

Profound furrowing and uncovering the dirt in sun assists with killing the weed seeds. 

Arisen weed of the field ought to be evacuated prior to blossoming. 

Hand weeding is successful to eliminate weeds in the middle of plant columns. 

Mulching likewise helps in diminishing the weeds. 

Reaping AND YIELD 

The hour of development of the tomato natural product changes with the kind of tomato. In determinate cultivars, fruiting beginnings following 70 days while in vague kind, in the middle of 70-100 days collecting is done for the most part. Tomatoes ought to be collected at the right stage as per the reason for the utilization. 

Green stage: Physiologically created organic products that are green in shading and are appropriate for far off market. 

Breaker stage: 10% of green shading changes to yellow. 

Turning stage: Only 10-30% of the natural product shading changes to pink or red. 

Pink stage: 30-60% is ready and organic products are prepared to transport to neighborhood markets. 

Light red: 60-90% organic product strip becomes red. 

Red: >90% of organic product becomes red and organic product is appropriate for preparing. 

The normal yield of open pollinated assortment goes from 20-25ton per hectare and that of crossover assortment is about 50ton per hectare on a normal. 


Tomato organic product is exceptionally transitory so timeframe of realistic usability is moderately short. Considering this, completely developed tomato can be kept away for 12-14 days in 12-14 degree Celsius and 90-95% relative moistness. Additionally, completely ready tomato can be put away for 4-5 days in 8-10 degree Celsius and same moistness as referenced previously. To postpone the aging system in the tomato, collected tomato can be dunked in Solution of calcium chloride (1.75 g/liter of water). In Nepal, plastic box is utilized to transport tomatoes in neighborhood market. 


Tomato organic product drill (Helicoverpa armigera) 

One of the most ruinous bug of tomato. 

Hatchlings drill into tomato foods grown from the ground its unmarketable. 

In serious case the organic product gets 80% harm. 

The executives: 

Picking the pervaded leafy foods them. 

Profound furrowing of field in summer to uncover pupae in sun. 

Establishing African marigold as a snare crop. 

Setting up the light snare and pheromone trap (10-12 snare for every hectare to kill the grown-up moths. 

Showering of neem based pesticides at 5ml per liter to kill hatchlings. 

For compound administration splash Thiodane 0.2% or Cypermmethrin 0.04-0.05% at 15 days stretch. 

Jassids (Empoasca devastans) in tomato 

The creepy crawly suck sap from the leaves and the swarmed leaves twist up progressively becoming yellow. 

This inset additionally acts a vector to send a mycoplasmal infection, little leaf. 

The board: 

Improving the development of the savage bugs like woman bird creepy crawly and insect. 

Keeping away from abundance utilization of nitrogenous compost as it makes plant more delicious to the bug. 

Sprayinf of Eldrin, Parathon or Malathion (0.1%) to control the creepy crawlies. 

Whitefly (Bemisia tabaci

White flies feed to the delicate parts and leaves of the plant. 

The tainted parts become yellow and twists up. 

Bemisia species are the vector to communicate tomato yellow leaf twist infection. 

The executives: 

Ensuring the normal hunters like woman bird insect, lacewing and so on 

Evacuating substitute host. 

Utilization of yellow tacky snare. 

Showering of dimethoate (0.05%) or Rogor (0.1%). 

Tomato leaf minor (Tuta absoluta

Tomato leaf minor (Tuta absoluta

Hatchlings of the creepy crawlies feed on the leaf and stem of the plant and makes burrow. 

This debilitates the plant because of lacking chlorophyll to make food that hampers yield of the harvest. 

The executives: 

Clean development. 

Pheromone traps at the site of creation. 

Obliteration of influenced leaves. 

Utilization of synthetic pesticide (rogor). 


Bacterial Diseases 

(i)Bacterial shrivel (Pseudomonas solanacearum

Bacterial shrivel (Pseudomonas solanacearum

Side effects: 

The beginning phase side effects incorporates withering, twisting of pamphlets, and searing of leaves, typically just on one side of the plant. 

After the leaf is dead, the petioles stay green and immovably joined to the stem. Yellowish earthy colored staining of the vascular component comes out when stem is cut off.

The board: 

It is soil borne so crop turn ought to be finished with non solanaceous yield. 

Utilize open minded assortments like Srijana,Amar,HRD-17, Gaurav-555 and so on 

Obliterate the tainted plants. 

Utilization of neem cake. 

Seed treatment with Streptocycline @1g/liter of water for 30 minutes. 

Fumigation of soil with 7% of formalin. 

(ii)Bacterial blister (Corynebacterium michiganese

Bacterial blister (Corynebacterium michiganese


The sickness side effects is described by  yellow or tan patches from between the veins and extremely durable or impermanent shrinking of the flyers. 

Influenced organic products shows yellow to brown streaks. 

The executives: 

Solid and infection free seedlings ought to be utilized. 

Harvest revolution in long haul barring solanaceous yield. 

Annihilating the tainted plants. 

Seed treatment. 

(b) Fungal Diseases:- 

Damping off(Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophthora parasitica) 

Damping off(Pythium ultimum, Rhizoctonia solani, Phytophthora parasitica) 

Side effects: 

The collar district of the stem rots and the seedlings overturns down. 

The infection is more genuine when overabundance of water is provided and temperature is high. 

The board: 

Seepage of overabundance water ought to be finished. 

Soil solarization. 

Seed treatment with Captan,Thiram or Bavistin @3g/kg 

Shower Captan, Bevistin or rodomil @1.5-2g/liter of water to control post rise damping off. 

Dousing of soil with formalin 50ml/10 liter of water and cover bed with plastic for a long time. 

Late curse (Phytophthora infestans

Late curse or potato scourge of Tomato 


Late curse initially shows up as a dim green spots in the old lower leaves of the plant. 

The development of the illness makes the spot much more dim and development of parasitic mass underneath the spot. 

Earthy colored spots are found in the natural products that later becomes dark. 

The board: 

Estate of open minded assortments like Srijana, HRG-17 and so forth 

More extensive dividing during relocating i.e.75cmX75cm. 

Expulsion of volunteer plant from the field. 

Obliterate all tomato trash in the wake of reaping the organic product. 

Use of Diethane M-45 (0.2%), Rodomil(0.2%), Bavistin(0.1%) at 5-6 days span at beginning phase of illness. 

Fusarium wilt( Fusarium oxysporum f lycopersici) 

Fusarium wilt( Fusarium oxysporum f lycopersici) 

Side effects: 

Side effects initially shows up in the more seasoned and lower leaves and comprises of getting free from veinlet, dropping of petiole, yellowing of passes on prompting demise of plant at later stage. 

Regularly just a branch or a side of the plant shows the side effects. 

The board: 

Plant safe assortments like Ureka, Marglobe, Pant Bahar,Rutgers, and so on 

Harvest turn with non solanaceous yield. 

Cleansing of homestead supplies. 

Seed treatment with fungicide. 

Splash Dithane M-45 (0.25%) at 15 days span. 

Septoria leaf blight( Septoria lycopersici) 

Septoria leaf blight( Septoria lycopersici) 


The indications contain water drenched spots,that turns out dim with more obscure edges in the environmental factors. 

The board: 

Clean development (obliteration of yield flotsam and jetsam, evacuating the substitute host). 

Yield revolution. 

Showering or tidying with copper compounds. 

Early curse (Alternaria solani) 

Early curse (Alternaria solani) 


Injuries originally found in the lower leaves which gradually become more extensive around 2-5mm in breadth with concentric rings inside. 

As the illness advances, entire leaf becomes yellow and defoliation happens. 

Manifestations can be found in leaves, Stem and natural product. 

The executives: 

Yield revolution barring solanaceous harvest. 

Seed treatment in steaming hot water 50-55 degree Celsius for 15 minutes. 

Evacuation of volunteer weeds. 

Apply fungicide Diathane Z-78 or M-45 or Xined (0.2%). 

Buckeye decay or natural product decay (Phytopthora nicotianae var. parasitica) 

Buckeye decay or natural product decay (Phytopthora nicotianae var. parasitica) 

Side effects: 

The primary manifestations shows up on the natural product that contacts the dirt with grayish green or broen water splashed spot. 

Later the spot gets bigger on the outer layer of contaminated products of the soil natural product have an example of exchanging light and dull brown concentric rings that  looks like markings on a buckeye. 

The executives: 

Utilization of sickness free seed from perceived sources. 

Practice crop revolution. 

Legitimate waste office in the field abd keep away from overhead water system strategy. 

Mulching assists with staying away from the contact of leafy foods soil. 

Pick contaminated foods grown from the ground them. 

Seed treatment. 

Utilization of fungicide at 8 days span. 

(c) Viral Diseases:- 

Tomato mosaic infection 

Symptoms of pepino mosaic infection on tomato leaves 

Side effects: 

This infections causes yellowing and mottling of the leaves alongside hindering of the plants. 

Organic products don't ready equally. 

The executives: 

The infection can be alive for quite a long time in soil and furthermore in crop garbage. 

This illness can be constrained by utilization of safe assortments, legitimate sterilization and staying away from mechanical contact from the tainted yield. 

Leaf twist infection 

Leaf twist virus in tomato plant 


The youthful leaves twist up and become shaggy in contact while the old leaves become rugged that continuously becomes brown lastly dries. 

The plant become hindered with little organic products. 

The board: 

The infection is spread by the vector white fly. Accordingly, white fly ought to be controlled to control the infection.

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