CAULIFLOWER CULTIVATION:- Introduction, Soil condition, Varieties


Cauliflower (Brassica oleracea) is one of the main vegetable yields of Nepal. The eatable piece of cauliflower is known as curd, which comprises of a shoot framework with short internodes, branches apices and bracts. The palatable part of this vegetable is around 45% of the vegetable as bought. It has top caliber of proteins and curious in dependability of nutrient C subsequent to cooking. It is plentiful in minerals like potassium, sodium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and so on 

A portion of the territory that produce enormous amounts of cauliflower are Lumbini area , Province no 2 and Gandaki region. 

Soil and climate

The cauliflower has a wide reach in variation to different climatic conditions, winning in temperate subtropics and tropical parts. The ideal temperature for development of youthful plants is around 23oC, yet in later stages 17-20oC are generally good. The tropical cultivars show development even at 35oC. In temperate locales, the development of youthful seedlings might be stopped, when temperatures are somewhat about OoC, while, the early cult useivars filled in fields of north India and other tropical parts can become even at 35oC or still higher temperature. Lower temperatures going from 5oC to 28-30oC are required for progress from vegetative to curding stage. The temperature higher or lower than the ideal needed for curd arrangement of the cultivars might cause physiological turmoil viz. riceyness, verdant curd and visual impairment. 

Soil conditions 

Cauliflower can be filled in a wide range of soil with great fruitfulness and great system. In light soil, the plants are generally delicate to dry season and along these lines, sufficient dampness supply is significant. For early yields, the light soils are liked, while, loamy and dirt topsoil soils are more reasonable for mid season and late developing sorts. Cauliflower is somewhat more delicate to insufficiency of boron and molybdenum, and it has high requirement of magnesium. The insufficiency of magnesium may rapidly shows up in corrosive soils. High pH lessens the accessibility of boron. 


The varieties can be assembled as ahead of schedule, mid early, mid late and late season varieties based on development gatherings. 

Early varieties 

Early Kunwari 

Pusa Early Synthetic 

Gasp Gobhi 3 

Pusa Deepali 

Gasp Gobhi 2. 

Mid Early Varieties 

Pusa Hybrid-2 

Pusa Sharad 

Gasp Gobhi-4 

Mid Late Varieties: 

Pusa Synthetic 

Gasp Shubhra 

Pusa Shubhra 

Pusa Himjyoti 

Punjab Giant 35 

Late Varieties: 

Pusa snowball-1 

Pusa snowball K-1 



The ideal season of seed sowing in the nursery shifts significantly relying on climate, varieties and their temperature requirement for curd development. The nursery for mid season yield can be developed effectively by security of beds from substantial downpours during July - August is fundamental. The seedlings for mid late and late harvest can be helpfully raised, due to great temperature conditions. Contingent on curd development of the varieties, the accompanying sowing times have been suggested. 

Seed rate 

Early varieties :  600-750g 

Mid-Early season varieties : 500g 

Mid-late varieties : 400 g 

Late varieties : 300g 


Early yield : 45 x 30 cm 

Mid and Late yield : 60 x 45 cm 

Nutrient requirement 

Apply FYM @250-300q/ha, Nitrogen @100-150kg/ha, Phosphorus @ 60-80kg/ha and Potassium @ 80kg/ha. Half amount of N and whole amount of P and K are applied to the soil at the hour of field readiness. The leftover half amount of N is top dressed a month subsequent to relocating. 

Notwithstanding NPK, borax @ 15 kg/ha and ammonium molybdate @ 15 kg/ha ought to likewise be applied in insufficient soil of boron and molybdenum, separately. 


The intercultural activities ought to be done consistently to keep the harvest liberated from weeds and air circulation of the root framework. Digging ought not be profound to stay away from injury to the roots. Generally, in medium weighty and earth soils, there are covering entrance in root framework are upset, which influence plant development. During stormy season, the underlying foundations of plants in edge planting perhaps uncovered, which requires satisfactory earthing. When earthing or ridging is done, the side dressing of nitrogenous manure ought to likewise be accomplished for solid development of the yield. 

In cauliflower, for getting quality curd, whitening is a significant activity to shield the curds from yellowing because of direct openness to total. The curds may likewise free a portion of their character, in view of this openness. This issue for the most part happens in such varieties of ahead of schedule and mid season development bunch, which have spreading and open plant type. In certain varieties, the curd remains normally secured and encompassed by inward whorls of leaves. These are called self - whitening types. Drawing and tying the tips of leaves when curds are completely evolved may do the whitening. The alternate method to put a leaf a cauliflower over the curd 4-5 days before reap.


Water Management 

First water system is given soon after relocating. Further water system will rely on climate, soil type and assortment. Be that as it may, ordinary upkeep of ideal dampness supply is fundamental during both development and curd improvement stage. For right on time and mid season crop, typically, lesser number of water system is required due to downpours. In regions having precipitation, the planting is done on edges, wrinkle water system ought to be given. 

Irritation and disease management 

Some of significant diseases are Stalk Rot, Downy mold and Black Rot. Significant Insect Pests incorporate Tomato natural product drill, leaf eating caterpillar, leaf digger and Aphids. 

Physiological Disorders 

Cauliflower experiences various physiological problems, which show in various sort of disease disorders. . Significant physiological problems, influencing cauliflower are portrayed beneath: 

Riceyness : It shows in the extension on peduncle wearing blossom buds, delivering curds, granular, free and to some degree smooth. An untimely commencement of flower bud is portrayed by riceyness in cauliflower and is viewed as of low quality for showcasing. It very well may be constrained by development of hereditarily unadulterated seed and suitable varieties with suggested social practices. 

Fuzziness : It shows up as the bloom pedicels of smooth curds extend. The peculiarity is both genetic and non-innate. Development of cauliflower, out of their typical season empowers fuzziness. Sowing great quality seed in right season under appropriate social practices, limited fuzziness. 

Leafiness : This issue is regularly seen by development of little slender leaves from the curd which diminishes nature of curd. Tiny green leaves show up in the middle of the curd portion because of inheritable or non-heritable components. Pervasiveness of high temperatures during curding stage exasperates leafiness. Certain varieties are more delicate to leafiness or organizing than other. It tends to be constrained by choice of varieties as indicated by their flexibility. 

Browning (Brown Rot or Red Rot): It is brought about by boron inadequacy which is impacted by soil pH. The accessibility of boron diminishes at nonpartisan soil response. It is described by sign on the youthful leaves that become dull green and fragile. The old leaves puckered, chlorotic and regularly drops off. This might be constrained by utilization of borax or sodium borate or sodium tetra borate at the rate of 20 kg/ha a soil application. If there should be an occurrence of intense lack, splash of 0.25 to 0.50 percent arrangement of borax at the rate of 1 to 2 kg/ha relying on development, soil response and degree of insufficiency. 

Whiptail : Deficiency of molybdenum causes 'whiptail' disorder, particularly, in profoundly acidic soils. Since high manganese focuses in such soils ruin the take-up of molybdenum which only sometimes happens when the soil pH is 5.5 or higher. The youthful cauliflower plants become chlorotic and may become white, especially along the leaf edges. They additionally become measured and shrivel. also, degree of insufficiency. In more established plant, the lamina of the recently framed leaves are unpredictable fit, regularly, comprising of just an enormous exposed midribs and henceforth, the normal name "whiptail". It very well may be revised by utilization of lime or dolomite limestone to raise the soil pH up to 6.5 or higher. Sodium or Ammonium molybdate at the rate of 1-2 kg/ha as soil application can likewise control "whiptail" of cauliflower. 

Buttoning : Development of little curds with deficient foliage in cauliflower is known as buttoning. It is likewise alluded to as untimely heading. The leaves are little to such an extent that can't cover the framed head. Reasons for buttoning are 

Relocating of over multi week-old seedlings. 

Planting as early assortment in late the other way around leads buttoning. 

Blistering and dry climate is ominous for vegetative development of plants, however good for initiating curd arrangement and restrains further broadening. Curds stay tiny in size like catches. 

At the point when soil dampness becomes restricting element. 

Relocating of seedlings, gotten from inadequately overseen nursery bed. 

Slow plant development in the nursery, packing, inadequate water, absence of weeding, awful condition of the soil, extreme swarming, deficient water, absence of weeding, terrible condition of the soil, over the top salt focuses, low lying region or field with shallow and helpless top salt may likewise cause buttoning. 

It tends to be constrained by utilizing quality seedlings and appropriate social management rehearses. 

Harvesting, Yield and Storage 

The harvesting is done when the curd accomplishes right development and they are conservative, with white shade of the curds is kept up with, If the harvesting is postponed, the curds become over experienced, whose quality is deteriorated. Such curds might turn free, verdant, ricey or fluffy. The over mature curds ought to be figured out while sending the produce to showcase. For harvesting, the curds are removed tail well underneath the curd with a sharp cutting blade or sickle Yield


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