MUSHROOM:- Introduction,mushroom farming in Nepal, types of mushroom

 Mushroom cultivating in Nepal is expanding at quick speed and has assisted numerous adolescents with going into business. 

Nepal, Being a farming country its greater part of population(66%) is occupied with horticulture. Regardless of this much populace engaged with agriculture,the homegrown creation doesn't fulfill the yearly need of the nation and import of food items turns out to be best way to satisfy the need. 

To decrease this import, individuals are currently leaving the resource horticulture and accepting the business method of farming.One of the famous and generally succeeded business cultivating in Nepal is Mushroom cultivating. 

Mushroom Farming In Nepal 

Mushroom cultivating in Nepal has incredible variety as per the climatic condition and the assortment of mushroom utilized. So-First we ought to find out with regards to Mushroom exhaustively. 

Mushroom is a saprophytic plant benefiting from dead and rotting natural matter and are cosmopolitan in distribution.Majorities of mushroom are wild, yet there are some developed species. 

In the event of Nepal, the mushroom cultivating starts from notable period. Notwithstanding, business development of mushroom starts in beyond 30 years in particular. 

Mushroom might be either harmful or a palatable. 70 −80 assortments including Death cap(Amanita phalloides), Web caps(Cortinarius sps), Autumn skullcap(Galerina marginata), Conocybe filaris, Podostroma comudamae, and so on are dangerous noxious. 

In any case, there are a few assortments that doesn't have the toxic consequences for individuals. Agaricus campestris, Agaricus bisporous are some eatable mushroom that have been to our kitchen hundreds of years prior. 

Because of their healthful ,monetary and therapeutic qualities and high benefit inside brief timeframe they become well known all through the whole world. 

In Nepal, during recent years individuals of Brahmin ethnic gathering reject mushroom to their kitchen having confidence in the fantasy that mushrooms are tainted since they fill in dead and rotting natural matter in spite of their dietary benefit. As individuals become proficient and they come out as comfortable to the significance of mushroom this fantasy presently don't exist in the public arena. 

Mushroom cultivating in Nepal is an arising rural business in Nepal in view of its profitability.Mushroom can be developed in Nepal over time in regular natural condition and henceforth all year creation can be taken. 

Exceptional yield can be brought with low venture and there isn't an advertising issue as the interest of mushroom in Nepalese market is expanding step by step . Along these lines, it turned into the fascination focus of little holder ranchers and adolescents.


Mushroom cultivating is one of the massive potential harvest which put trigger young people ages towards its creation. High worth harvests as far as both food and medication with minimal expense creation innovation draws in the young people just as little holder ranchers for its business development with an expect to bring exceptional yield inside a brief timeframe. Agro-climatic and agro-natural variety is a shelter for mushroom cultivating in Nepal. 

Sorts Of Mushrooms Grown In Nepal 

More than a few thousand types of mushroom are developed world generally. Notwithstanding, a couple of animal groups are industrially developed in Nepal. A portion of the assortments that are generally utilized for mushroom cultivating in Nepal are portrayed beneath : 

1.White Button mushroom (Agaricus bisporus)/Gobre chyau 

Naturally, white button mushroom is Agaricus bisporus having a place with basidiomycetes. 

It is the most developed assortment on the planet additionally called as table mushroom. It is most normally found in field and meadow having medium measured pileus(cap) going 2-7 cm in width with short white stem. 

All year creation can be acquired anyway 20-28°c for vegetative development and 12-18°c for regenerative development is viewed as best. Ordinarily, reaped when caop estimating about 2.5-4 cm breadth. 

2.Oyester Mushroom (pleurotus ostreatus) 

It is one of the most palatable mushroom. It was first developed in Germany as a means gauges yet these days developed industrially all throughout the planet. Oyester mushroom cultivating in Nepal has take incredible level of mushroom ranches. 

Oyester mushroom have wide fan like cap with exceptionally short or totally missing stem. The tone shift from white to dim or tan to dim brown. 

Generally, wild species are found far and wide among mild and sub-tropical timberlands. As the mycelium of shellfish mushroom can kill and process Nematodes. Along these lines, it is called as the meat eating mushroom. 

The standard oyester mushroom can fill in many spots, but fanned oyester mushroom develop just on trees.

3.Paddy straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) 

Paddy straw mushroom regularly called as the straw mushroom or the Chinese mushroom as the development was start from China . 

It requires tropical or sub-tropical climatic condition for example higher temperature favors its development . Along these lines, additionally called as the warm mushrooms. 

It is quickly developing mushroom and under ideal developing condition it can compiete its cycle inside 4-5 weeeks time. A developed paddy straw mushroom has pileus or cap, stipe or tail and volva or cup. 

Pileus is associated at the middle by stipe and is normally 6-12 cm in breadth. The completely developed pileus is roundabout fit. The stipe interfaces pileus and volva; length relying on size of pileus for the most part estimating 3-8 cm long and 0.5-1.5 cm in measurement. At the foundation of the stipes remain volva. 

Paddy straw mushroom is not difficult to develop. So-It is one of the broadly developed mushroom of Nepal. 

4.Shitake Mushroom (Lentinus edodes) 

The external covering of shitake mushroom is earthy colored red in which little white spots are discovered which takes after to the deer. 

Shitake mushroom cultivating in Nepal is likewise developing at extremely quick speed because of its various advantages. 

One piece of mushroom can weight 150-250 gm. This mushroom is developed in wooden logs. This mushroom is developed in mid and high slopes of Nepal. 1 meter log of 5 year old is chosen in which openings are made in 3-4 lines at time period cm and 15 cm between openings. 

Mushroom seed is put in the opening. Mushroom can be collected following 9-10 months and upto time of 3 years. 

5.Red mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum) 

Red mushroom is naturally developed parasite called Ganoderma. It is developed in Kathmandu, Lele, Kakani, Raniban, Nagarkot. 

In high moistness condition, it very well may be developed from Jestha to Bhadra. Red mushroom can be developed in wood debris, straw and wood like substrate. It appears as though clam mushroom yet it is dim red in shading. 

Normally in Nepal, it is found in wild structure. Monetarily it is developed in wooden log, yet additionally can be developed in wooden residue or in straw. It very well may be developed in high slopes of Nepal and need high relative stickiness and wet spot for development. It has likewise come in inclination in mushroom business of Nepal. 

Significance Of Mushroom Farming In Nepal 

Nepal is an agricultural nation. Agribusiness area has incredible commitment to inspire the economy of country.Mushroom cultivating in Nepal has likewise helped Nepalese society from various perspectives 

As a developing area in horticulture, mushroom development has incredible significance in different circles of human existence. 

These incorporate financial significance, healthful significance, restorative significance and environmental significance. They are portrayed as underneath: 

1.Economic significance of Mushrooms 

Relatively, developing of mushroom needs low venture yet it gets exceptional yield inside a brief term of time. 

This low venture with speedy return diminishes the weakness to proverty and reinforces the vocation of little holder ranchers and goes about as a solid kind of revenue. 

It might likewise assume critical part as a solid wellspring of work age. With regards to Nepal where the vast majority of the rancher can't adapt high speculation. 

Since, mushroom have therapeutic qualities and subsequently they are the crude material for restorative industry. In this way, by delivering mushroom we create pay as well as add to human wellbeing by creating medication by implication. 

2.Medicinal significance of Mushrooms 

➡️Mushroom are considered as the total quality food varieties for all age bunches as they contain different types fundamental components including Carbohydrate, Fiber, Protein, Fat, Vitamins and minerals in wanted extent. In any case, the convergence of different supplement changes among species, assortments, phase of advancement and climatic condition for example climate . 

➡️The presence of certain biochemical mixtures including polysaccharides, tri-terpenoids, low atomic weight proteins, glycoproteins and immonomodulating compounds are answerable for therapeutic upsides of a few assortments of mushroom. 

➡️Mushroom are wealthy in proteins anyway they need sulfur containing amino acids. 

➡️It is helpful for diabetic patients because of its low calorific worth, no starch and minimal fat and sugar content. 

➡️Low fat substance with no cholesterol and presence of various unsaturated fat settles on it an applicable decision of heart patient 

➡️Anti-growth compounds are found in certain mushrooms that confines the cancer action. 

➡️A driving disease drug kresin(polysaccharide-k) is additionally separated from mushroom. 

➡️Ergesterol present in mushroom is the antecedent of nutrient D blend in human body. Mushrooms are the astounding wellspring of nutrient B and C. 

➡️Minerals like potassium, Sodium and Phosphorous are found in high sum anyway copper, Zinc, Magnesium are found in follows as it were. 

➡️Antioxidant property of mushroom forestalls the maturing system by lessening the action of super oxide free revolutionaries. 

3.Ecological Importance 

Every single organic entities brought into the world on this universe has its own significance in the biological system. 

Maker, shopper and decomposer are fundamental part of eco-framework . Among this three shortfall of any one makes irregularity in the eco-framework . 

Mushrooms are parasites, they go about as decomposers and assume significant part in deteriorating the dead and rotting natural issue. Additionally, by taking part in deterioration of various natural garbage , they add to various supplement cycle. 

Wild mushrooms go about as the wellspring of nourishment for wild lives including bugs. They additionally improve the dirt richness and furthermore go about as contamination reductor. 

Because of every one of these significance, Mushroom cultivating in Nepal is developing at mathematical proportion. 

Prospect Of Mushroom Farming In Nepal 

Nepal is a country with clear agro-climatic and agro-biological zone. This variety has made the Nepal center point for some agribusiness items including mushroom cultivating. Because of this changed agro-climatic circumstance, all year creation of mushroom has been become conceivable. 

Minimal expense work, abundant stock of wide assortment of modest crude substrate, Spawns and different sources of info has decidedly upheld the mushroom development in Nepal. 

Similarly, the accessibility of likely neighborhood markets, essentially global inns and extraordinary chance to fare to worldwide business sectors are the supporting elements for advancing mushroom industry as a dependable kind of revenue in Nepal. 

In this developing world, because of expanded public mindfulness individuals come out as comfortable with the unfortunate results of undesirable eating regimen. This drag the public consideration towards use mushroom for example viewed as the total quality food comprising of all necessary components in wanted extent. 

This outcomes in expanded market request which eventually upholds the development of mushroom industry in Nepal. 

Issues In Mushroom Farming In Nepal 

The entire horticulture area is going through the tough spot in our country since past numerous many years . 

The adage of farming commercialization and modernization has been restricted in government arrangements as it were. Along these lines, clearly the arising area of farming ;mushroom ventures are additionally confronting a few difficulties that straightforwardly or in a roundabout way thwarts the advancement of mushroom industry in Nepal. 

A portion of the significant difficulties that the mushroom cultivating in Nepal is confronting these days are as per the following: 

➡️Insufficient speculation and deficient logical exploration. 

➡️Unavailability of value generate all through the nation because of low creation or metropolitan situated creation. 

➡️Lack of most recent further developed innovation. 

➡️Lack of appropriately prepared indicated specialist. 

➡️Poorly created market chain. 

➡️Lack of severe plan and execution of government strategies in regards to mushroom creation. 

➡️Lack of institutional help with respect to mushroom development. 

➡️Lack of value control focus, Spawn creation and exploration focus all through the country. 

➡️Lack of assortment and taming of locally accessible assortments reasonable for different agro-climatic condition. 

➡️Lack of normalization and enhancement items.

Answer for Problems 

Mushroom cultivating in Nepal is confronting the huge difficulties. Thus, the public authority needs to accept solid situation to go about as a parent for fostering the mushroom business. For this the public authority need to detail and needs to stringently carry out the strategies in regards to mushroom creation, its exploration and promoting. 

Adjacent to this the creation of value produce ought to be expanded to satisfy the public need. Not exclusively is this yet the reception of trend setting innovations and creation of gifted expert additionally required. 

Enhancement of crude substrate and tracking down the best options dependent on locally accessible crude substrate would have the option to answer the expanding cost of substrate. 

The foundation of mushroom culture focus, bring forth creation focus, quality control place just as further developing the producers information and expertise on ranch disinfection and incorporated infection bug the executives might offer an incredible help in fostering the mushroom exercises in Nepal. 

The public authority ought to declare the base help cost to address the recently detailed arrangement, "ensured farming, guaranteed saving" to reinforce the chance of running the mushroom undertaking. 

Additionally, promoting the mushroom utilizing data correspondence innovation , broad communications like TV, radio and so on just as banners and putting together mushroom celebration would add extraordinary help to expand mushroom interest and creation in Nepal. 

Last Verdict 

Mushroom is itself a total food and individuals are becoming mindful of its advantages. In this way, we can say, Mushroom cultivating in Nepal has colossal potential. 

To enhance our latent capacity, the issues in mushroom development shoLikewise, advocating the mushroom utilizing data correspondence innovation , broad communications like TV, radio and so on just as banners and arranging mushroom celebration would add extraordinary help to build mushroom interest and creation in Nepal. 

To upgrade our latent capacity, the issues in mushroom development ought to be tended to from both neighborhood and public level

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