WHEAT CULTIVATION:- Introduction, Importance, Taxonomy, land preparation


Botanical name :- Triticum aestivum

Family :- Gramineae

Chromosome number:- 2n=12

Origin:- western Asia



Kingdom:- plantae

Class:- angiosperm

Order:- poales

Family :- Gramineae

Genus:- Triticum

Species:- aestivum



The male flower have three stamens.

Each flower consist of an ovary from which two styles emerge, finished with two feathery sticky stigmas each.

Wheat flowers do not have sepals or petals.



Buch wheat is a minor food, has a short duration, a cash crop. It is commonly grown in hilly and mountain region like:- Rukum,Rolpa, Jajarkot , Dolpa, Kavre, mustang, solukhumbu etc.

In India mostly grown in UP,PUNJAB,HARYANA,BIHAR,WEST BANGAL etc.

 CHINA,USA and INDIA growing large amount of wheat.



Wheat grain contain 12.2% protein, which is more than cereals.

Wheat can be found in some from at almost every meal like,breads,cookies,cakes,macroni etc. wheat contain 62-71% carbohydrates.



There are several types of wheat.

·       Triticum aestivum

·       Triticum durum

·       Triticum vulgare

·       Triticum dicoccum



Well drained, fertile clay loam soil having moderate water holding capacity are ideal for irrigated wheat.

Black soil are most suitable for cultivation of wheat.

Soil ph:- 6.5-7.5



Wheat crop is a temperate crop but widely adopted to varying climate condition.

It needed cool, dry and clear climate for better growth and yield.

The suitable temperature for wheat cultivation is range between 15-30 degree Celsius.

Can germinate in the temperature range of 3 – 35 degree Celsius.



Nepal:- wheat research program in Nepal has released 9 wheat varieties resistant to Ug99 namely :-VIJAYA,TILOTTAMA,BANGANGA,GAURA,DAULAGIRI,DANPHE,SWORGADWARI,MUNGAL AND CHYAKHURA.

Indian varieties :-

·       KANCHANA ( BAW28)

·       BARKAT ( BAS39)

·       SONALIKA

·       NURI 70

·       LNIA 66


TIME OF SOWING:- October to November.


SOWING METHOD:- Broadcasting, behind local plough, drilling, dibbling, zero tillage technique.


SPACING:- 15-23 cm row spacing.


SEED TREATMENT:- Hot water, Vitavax - only for livestock treatment.

Treated with fungicide like captan or thiram@ 3gm per kg of seed for controlling soil borne disease.


SEED RATE:- Local varieties :- 125kg per hectare.

                         Rainfed varieties:- 100kg per hectare.

FYM:- 2 to 3 tons farmyard manure per hectare or some other organic matter is applied 5 or 6 weeks before sowing.


NPK:- 100:20:60 kg per hectare.



Common weeds are Chenopodium album, Cyperus rotundus etc.

One hand weeding is done after 3 to 4 weeks of sowing.

The only way to control weeds affectively is to use selective herbicide like pendimethalin@0.5 kg per hectare in 600l of water as pre-emergence.

Use 2-4,D.



·       Powdery mildew

·       Loose smut

·       Brown rust

·       Karnal bunt



·       Grow resistant varieties.

·       Use of healthy seed for sowing.

·       Seed treatment Vitavax@2.5gm per kg seed.

·       Hot water treatment.

·       Disease resistance varieties DRW59,PWB,HD2203, etc.

·       Spraying of Mancozeb@0.2%.



The crop requires 4-6 irrigations depending on the soil type and rainfall.

Water stagnation should be avoided at the time of germination.



·       CRI stage

·       Tillering stage

·       Flowering stage

·       Heading stage\ Milking stage



The crop is harvested when the grains become hard and the straw becomes dry and brittle.

The harvesting is mostly done by sickle.

Threshing is done by trampling under bullocks feeds stone roller or by thresher.



Rainfed crop:- 1500-2000 kg per hectare.

Irrigated crop:- 3500-4000 kg per hectare.







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